Heart of the Phoenix Spring Retreat


Please be advised where the text reads “The Participant(s)” this refers to the individual booking onto the retreat. Where it reads “The Host” this refers to Heart of the Phoenix and anyone acting for or on behalf of Heart of the Phoenix. Where the text reads “The Venue” this is the property where the retreat is being held.

Heart of the Phoenix have no control over the terms and conditions issued by The Venue and are simply making The Participant(s) aware of the conditions under which they are agreeing to take up residence for the duration of the retreat upon confirmation of each individual booking. The Host is also bound by these terms.

1.0 The action of confirming The Participant(s) booking concludes an agreement between The Host and The Participant that all monies are non refundable and non transferable.

2.0 Both The Host and The Venue are not responsible for or involved in The Participant(s) travel to or from the venue. It is the responsibility of the Participant(s) travelling to and staying at the property during their short term tenancy to have suitable and adequate insurances in place, including but not limited to personal injury, health and medical, accidents and travel or any other reason that might prevent them from travelling to or staying at the property.

Participant insurance cover is expected to include, but is not limited to:

- Death, injury or illness happening to you, a member of your family or a friend.

- Any change in your personal circumstances or health, including falling pregnant.

- A recommendation from your GP or medical professional after you have booked.

- Power, water or other infrastructure failure that is outside the control of The Host or The Venue and/or any adverse or extreme weather conditions including snow, frost, fog or storm.

- Mechanical breakdown. accident, fire or theft en-route of a private vehicle en-route or prior to arrival. - Strike action or other union activity preventing or causing delay to travel. - Restrictions to travel imposed by government or any authority, including changes. - Jury service and court summons.

3.0 The Participant(s) will be responsible for any damage to the property or it’s contents during their stay with relevant and equal compensation being sought by The Venue for replacements or repairs made to any such damage.

4.0 There is a strict no smoking policy inside all of the buildings. The Venue reserve the right to seek recompense from The Participant(s) if there is evidence of any smoke damage.

5.0 The Venue provides WiFi internet access free of charge for use by resident guests only. The service is provided by a super fast 4G data network. All visitors using the wi-fi service, agree to internet user access, history and usage being monitored. Excessive use of data, such as streaming large media files that may interrupt or reduce the service for others sharing the system, is not permitted without prior consent. In the event of inappropriate or excessive internet use we reserve the right to charge and The Participant(s).

6.0 The Venue ask that all Participant respect the privacy and comfort of any other guests and/or our neighbours, The Venue therefor ask that there is no excessive noise and all external lighting is switched off after 11pm,

7.0 The Venue asks that shoes must not be worn upstairs in the farmhouse or on any carpets. Decorations may only be put up with prior permission and without causing any damage, particularly paint work. Glitter and confetti is not permitted.

8.0 The Venue and The Host will not be held liable for any Participant cancellations due to adverse weather conditions, illness, any change in personal circumstance or health, travel complications or any other reason whatsoever that might prevent travelling to or staying at the property, including those listed above and any other reason that can be expected to be covered by your own insurance.

9.0 It is the responsibility of the Participant(s) attending the retreat to ensure that during their short term tenancy they have reviewed current UK government guidance and restrictions in relation to travelling from outside of the UK. If any Participant is affected by such

guidance, restrictions or any changes to them, we advise you to contact your insurers and The Venue and The Host will not be held liable for any guest or tenant cancellations, delays or costs in any way. Our usual cancellation terms apply. Furthermore in the event that future bookings are impacted by a Participant not following this guidance prior to and during their stay, they will be held liable for all losses and associated costs by The Venue.

10.0 Please be aware all non-British Participant(s) travelling from outside of the UK provide a copy of their passport prior to or on arrival, along with their name, address, contact details and confirmation of the place(s) they have travelled from/to before and after their stay, with permission to retain this personal data for up to 3 years, solely for the purpose of inspection by local or other authority

11.0 All linen and towels provided by The Venue are for in-house use only and not to be used in the Sauna or during classes or events held in Oak Barn during The Participant(s) stay.

12.0 The Venue and The Host take no responsibility for any damage to vehicles or property belonging to guests kept at the premises during their stay. All vehicles are parked on the premises at the vehicle owner's risk. For example, we have free-range animals, so at some times of the year it may be prudent to park away from the main buildings. Coaches, vehicles carrying over 12 people and any other large vehicles are not permitted on the approaching lane and should not be ordered. It is recommend that trusted suppliers of The Venue are booked with plenty of advance notice to provide any transportation required.

13.0 The Venue retain the right to refuse entry to the property and cancel a booking at any time

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